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Oct. 17, 2024     Fzata winner of Global Health Innovation Challenge II

Sept. 24, 2024   Fzata, Inc. Announces Multi-million Dollar NIH Grant 

May 14, 2024    Fzata is a Start-Up Stadium Finalist at BIO 2024

May 7, 2024      Successful FZ002 cGMP Manufacturing Completed

Fzata to Pitch BioPYM™  Platform at the Biotech Showcase™ 2023 

Innovation Winner

May 12, 2022.  Fzata is honored that Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce  has selected The Company as the Biotechnology winner for the 12th annual Mid-Atlantic Innovation Celebration Award program showcasing the region’s greatest and most creative minds at work.  BioPYM innovation allowing biologics in a pill will be a game changer for those dealing with needle administered biologics!

Innovation Winner Logo

Fzata Announces First-in-Class “Live Biologics In A Pill” Platform Entering Manufacturing Phase

Aug. 11, 2021  Fzata, Inc. is developing our ground-breaking “Live Biologics In A Pill” platform for oral delivery of live biologics. Live Biologics In A Pill will open up a new route of oral administration for innovative live biologic therapeutics. Fzata is pleased to announce that our lead drug, FZ002, has advanced to manufacturing stage and IND-enabling studies. FZ002 is a first-in-class live biotherapeutic product (LBP) yeast for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infection.  C. diff bacteria can cause life-threatening diarrhea. Infections occur most often in people who have taken antibiotics for other conditions. It is the most common healthcare-associated infection and the CDC has labeled it at the highest urgent threat level. Click for Full Article

Head & BioPYM capsule


7/22/2021 Fzata WINS NIH PHASE 2 SBIR GRANT 

Grant will support development of, "A Serological Assay for Neutralizing Antitoxin Response in Patients with Clostridium difficile Infection". This will be a diagnostic ELISA to assist physicians in selecting appropriate treatment for patients at risk of C. Diff infection.


Fzata is awarded a NIH SBIR Fast track grant on our very first IBD project, a novel oral yeast immunotherapies for Ulcerative Colitis.


Fzata wins NIH SBIR Fast-track grant to support the development of FZ002.

Fzata Scientist

FZ002 R&D Published in Top Journal

Oct 28, 2020.  Research on Fzata's leading drug candidate, FZ002, was published in
Science Translational Medicine 2020 Oct 28;12(567).  This breakthrough study was reported by many journals including Science Magazine "Antibody-producing yeast vanquishes deadly gut infection mice, Medical Press  "Modified Yeast used to treat common bacterial intestinal infection" and  BiotechScope "Antibody-secreting yeast immunotherapy to treat deadly gut infection"  

Fzata Scientist

Fzata is Spotlighted by EAGB

 March 1, 2020  The Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore (EAGB)  selected Fzata as their Industry Spotlight: Life Science company. 

Fzata Scientist

Fzata, Inc. Wins 3rd SBIR Award

Jan. 20, 2018. Fzata is awarded an SBIR grant to support the development of a novel companion diagnostic assay for C. diff infection

Fzata Scientist

Fzata Wins 2nd SBIR Award

Jan. 15, 2018  Fzata receives an SBIR Phase I grant to support the development of a novel immunotherapy against comorbidity of C. diff infection and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Pipette and eppendorf tube

Fzata Wins  NIH R01 Grant

March 1, 2017. Fzata is awarded an NIH R01 grant to support the development of a novel multi- specific antibody against C. diff infection.

Fzata, Inc. Wins Its First SBIR Grant

Jan 1, 2017  Fzata is awarded a SBIR Phase I grant from NIAID to support the study of a novel oral immuo-therapy against C. diff infection.

​As NIH grant awardee, Fzata will strictly follow the NIH policy on Financial Conflict of Interest. 

Best Life Sciences Trophy

Fzata is honored "2017 Maryland Incubator Company of the Year: Best Life Science Company"

June 15, 2017  It's our great honor to be selected as the Maryland best life science incubator company!

Saul Ewing, the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) and McGladrey established

the Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Awards in 2001. Read Articles in and UMBC News

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